Top 7 SMS Marketing Segmentation Hacks for Beginners


Cost-effective ways to target specific customers

Segmentation is all about targeting the right people with the right message, offers, discounts etc. Before you start building your segments, you should determine your audience, message and channel. Or in other words - who do you want to target, what do you want to tell them and where can you find them.

With SMSBump Shopify store owners can import numerous lists and build as many segments as necessary, to target a specific audience for your SMS marketing campaigns.

In this ebook we will focus more on actual segmentation strategies you can adopt and use for your Shopify store, and the occasions on which you can use them.

Technology is great, but if we don’t add the human element to it you end up shorthanded. SMSBump is a science — it gives us an avenue to reach our customers, though there’s an art to maximizing its potential.

Jon Neveloff, King Kanine

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